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Ed Sheeran udsender nyt album Autumn Variations d. 29 September 2023, her på vinyl.
En af de største singer-songwriter Ed Sheeran udgiver albummet Autumn Variations, 14 nye sange, der samler alle følelser som kærlighed, itu revne hjerter, depression og ensomhed.
Ed Sheeran forklarer selv hvorfor sangene til albummet kom:
“Last autumn, I found that my friends and I were going through so many life changes. After the heat of the summer, everything either calmed, settled, fell apart, came to a head or imploded,” Sheeran said in a statement announcing the album.
“When I went through a difficult time at the start of last year, writing songs helped me understand my feelings and come to terms with what was going on, and when I learned about my friend’s different situations, I wrote songs, some from their perspectives, some from mine, to capture how they and I viewed the world at that time.”